Thinking Outside the Party: Celebrating Emma Zoe

As many of you know, my daughter, Emma Zoe, is a senior in high school and we were planning to celebrate the culmination of her academic accomplishments at the end of May.  Unfortunately, the Coronavirus had other plans.

I've been struggling to know how to celebrate this girl who has overcome so much adversity, taken on so many challenges, and proven herself to be an accomplished student and a truly good person.  We hope to have a party, but who knows when that will be able to happen? I plan to send out announcements, but that seems like a poor celebration of such an accomplished young woman. There are so many unknowns, but one thing that is surely known is that Emma deserves accolades, recognition, and celebration.

So, I need your help!

I would LOVE if you all helped me make this blog a virtual celebration of my amazing daughter.  I invite you to be a guest blogger.  Please send me a note, pictures, or whatever else you like that I can publish on this blog for Emma to see.  Please don't feel you have to be eloquent or perfect.  Who you are and what you say will be enough!  If you don't personally know Emma, but still want to offer words of wisdom, please share that with me as well.  Who knows? Maybe this will finally be the book I've always wanted to write and YOU can help me write it!

Eventually, I will post whatever plans we have for her Graduation Celebration on this blog.  That way I can send out an announcement through the mail without having to have a "set in stone" date for that celebration.

Thank you for considering this!  Please send your blog entry to me at

I can't wait to see the magic that I know my friends and family can create that will be posted on these pages.  I truly feel this will give us all HOPE!

I love you!



  1. Hola, Emma! ¿Qué pasa, chica bonita? One of my favorite memories of you will be staying up part of the night to diagnose bug bites via photos on WhatsApp! Hahaha, I think I still have those photos of your ankles on my phone in case your mom wants them for your Senior photo board, just let me know! So, that's not really my favorite memory from our adventures in Ecuador, what I will remember is your kindness and compassion throughout the trip. You always made sure to include others in activities as well as took the time to get to know the girls from my school. And for that I say, muchísimas gracias y que Dios te bendiga en todo lo que haces de ahora y adelante. Profe J

  2. Hi Emma - I hope you remember some of the Geometry skills you were taught a number of years ago (at least the pythagorean theorem!). Also, I hope you learned that there is nothing better than a Ticonderoga pencil !!
    You were a great pleasure to have in class - I know you will be a great success in whatever endeavor you decide to pursue !!

  3. Hola Emma,
    I hope you had an amazing senior year. You are an amazing and talented student and even though I missed having you in Spanish IV, I think the fact that you went to college your senior year and were a strong enough person to be independent so early in life speaks volumes about what you will be able to accomplish in the coming years. I will always remember our time in Ecuador and the Galapagos and I am so happy I got to experience it all with you. You have such a positive attitude and were such a great companion to your classmates on the trip.
    I also remember you as St. Lucia and I feel a little bad about misplacing your script for the program but you did such an amazing job speaking without it that I am glad I couldn't find it. You are confident and talented, hard-working and kind. You will make a big impact on this world in a positive way. I can't wait to hear about the things you will accomplish.
    Que cumplas tus sueños, venzas los obstáculos, y hagas que este mundo sea mejor porque en él has vivido tú. ¡Mis mejores deseos para un futuro brillante!

  4. Dearest Emma - I know this is a little late in coming, but I had to spend some time thinking about what I wanted to say. You remind me a lot of my own daughter. Many teachers had glowing things to say about what a hard worker she was, how she could be entrusted with things, etc. etc. But the one that stands out to me and what I see in you was the comment "she is one of the kindest students I know". Kindness just seems to come naturally to you. This will serve you in ways way beyond what you dream right now. As stated on your card, "She could have taken the world by storm, but she chose to use her sunshine." You have had a tumultuous life during your high school years. And yet you have come out shining. Thank you for going higher. I expect great things from you. Know there are many in your cheering section. Lots of love and best wishes. - PS -I will message you later about exercise proposal. :)


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