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Thinking Outside the Party: Celebrating Emma Zoe

As many of you know, my daughter, Emma Zoe, is a senior in high school and we were planning to celebrate the culmination of her academic accomplishments at the end of May.  Unfortunately, the Coronavirus had other plans. I've been struggling to know how to celebrate this girl who has overcome so much adversity, taken on so many challenges, and proven herself to be an accomplished student and a truly good person.  We hope to have a party, but who knows when that will be able to happen? I plan to send out announcements, but that seems like a poor celebration of such an accomplished young woman. There are so many unknowns, but one thing that is surely known is that Emma deserves accolades, recognition, and celebration. So, I need your help! I would LOVE if you all helped me make this blog a virtual celebration of my amazing daughter.  I invite you to be a guest blogger.  Please send me a note, pictures, or whatever else you like that I can publish on this blog for Emma to see. 

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